August 12, 2013

Changin' blogs...

Well, the time has come that I am going to change blog sites. Please continue to follow me on my new site:

Until then...

January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!!

Alright, I understand I let this whole update thing slip the last 2 months, however, its a new year and that can only provide a little bit of energy to work towards truly being better at updating everyone.

The last two months have been a whirlwind of success, the feeling of being overwhelmed, sickness and all in between. The LVs Run that I was planning was a HUGE success, raising over our goal ($66,000) and everyone completed their runs feeling great and ready for the next one! I also got to lead an awesome Kairos retreat with my students! The opportunity to peace out of the city and head upstate is amazing for our students; it is nothing they have ever seen before! That weekend was pretty crappy towards the end though because I woke up Sunday morning sick as a dog, and resulted in me taking my first personal, sick day of work because of all the pain I was feeling again on Monday morning. I feel better, but every now and then slight coughs or headaches come back from that week, and it sucked. :/.

Here are a few highlights from my 2012:

January: Br. Michael Collins (president of DLS) passed away, but I looked at as having another angel watching over me and helping me continue the Lasallian mission!
February: getting the opportunity to go back to Lewis and recruit for the Lasallian Volunteer program, spreading the program to prospective volunteers!
March: St. Patrick's Day with all of my DENA 2011-2012 volunteers, as well as running the Providence 5K with Sophia and Tides clan!
April: Spring Break in TULSA, OK with my bromance (Sean)
May: Donating my hair to "Locks for Love" to help offset the cost of creating wigs for cancer patients.
June: feeling so proud of all my seniors from Class of 2012 as they graduated from Bishop Loughlin (no favorites allowed, but they were a pretty perfect senior class for my first year!)
July: starting my second year as a Lasallian Volunteer and getting to meet all the new volunteers for the year!
August: finishing up my first season of beach volleyball with the Loughlin crew; though we may not have been the Kerry Walsh and Misty Mae of Long Beach, we were pretty awesome and had lots of fun! Also, running in "The Color Run" (which I recommend to ANYONE who is looking for a fun, first 5K!)
September: participating in the Down and Dirty Obstacle Mud Run!
October: Halloween 2012 with my NYC LV's plus all the other friends we made along the way! Also, being able to be there as a support system for all those affected by Hurricane Sandy.
November: LVs RUN in TULSA, OK!! Thanksgiving in Providence and day-trips to Boston!
December: Submitting my grad school app while dealing with a lot of other exciting offers! :)

Now, for the big year 2013!! There are lot of things that are going to be happening and can't wait to see which way it all will play out!!

I submitted an application back at Lewis University for my graduate degree in Secondary Education and Certification with a concentration in English and Language Arts (as mentioned above...). I have also had talks that could keep me in New York, but there is no definite "Yes!" or "No!" yet. More to come as the year unfolds...

Lastly, I feel like if I type out and make my goals (not resolutions) "public", I am more motivated to actually see them through and succeed! So, here they are...

  1. Participate in at least 5 runs during the year! (I completed a 5K this morning in subzero temperatures, so 1 down, at least 4 to go...)
  2. Commit to a savings plan and increase my bank accounts
  3. Lose 2 pants sizes, making it easier to find affordable and "more fashionable" pants in stores!! (how cliche' I know...)
  4. Connect with a different friend every week that I may have lost touch with!
  5. Update all of you more frequently! :)
That's all for now! Looking forward to the next post...

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever!