January 17, 2012

Who knew life could get so busy?!

 For this blog, I decided to do a picture update for some of the events that have happened for me over the past month. One of my resolutions/commitments for the rest of the service year was to keep my family and friends more in tune with what I am doing; blogging is at the top of that list!! For this year of 2012, please look forward to seeing more about what is going, etc. 2012 is off to a great start, can you tell?! ;)

Bedford Park bannister before Christmas
I helped play an elf for "Christmas at Loughlin" Week,
 as well as participated in the student's annual Christmas Show
Merry Christmas from (most of) the DENA volunteers!! :D
Cousin Bennett and I on Christmas Eve 
MATCHING FOOTIE PAJAMAS!! Merry Christmas 2011!! :)
What better way to ring in the new year, than doodle at 5 in the morning at your New Year's party...
Theme: Superheros, Result: Power Puff Girls!! :D

Mulch Fest 2012 with some Loughlin Students 

Bedford Park Dirty Santa/White Elephant Gift Exchange!! :D 
Brant Lake, NY for Lasallian Volunteers Midyear Retreat!!
 Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever!