November 1, 2011

It seems every time I blog...

...I am baking cookies. Ha.

Sorry that it has been FOREVER since I have blogged. I seriously thought that I was going to get better at this; some things never change.

A LOT has happened since I last blogged, and of course, I am going to do my best to fill you in! I have been very consistent with my daily wake-up, prayer, breakfast, school, home, bed, repeat, but I have also had some exciting events thrown in between.

A few weeks ago, I got to help proctor my first PSAT's with the 9, 10, and 11th grade students. Though it is only meant for 11th grade, Loughlin uses it s as a way to prepare the students for upcoming standardized tests, etc. I always remember what the teachers had to say (scripted directions) was extremely boring, but when you are the teacher, it is even more boring! Lol. I was able to get through the day without too much of a problem. A funnier moment from the day was as school was beginning, the students were assigned to their homerooms for the test, and a girl came up to me asking where her homeroom was. Now, I know it seems rude of me to make jokes, but it's been at least a month and half since starting school, and I know that she was not new to the school. I guess when you throw "All School Test Day" in front of the title of the school day, it confuses kids.

That weekend, I had my first FREE weekend since starting the Lasallian Volunteers, and moving to New York. You can say that I definitely took advantage, and celebrated!! I went out with the roomies to see the new Footloose, and to my surprise, it wasn't half bad. I truly enjoyed the first movie, and wasn't going into the movie with any great expectations, but was pleasantly surprised. Afterwards, we walked around Times Square for a little bit, until we found ourselves in the middle of Occupy Times Square. You can guarantee that we found our way out of there quicker than whatever analogy you want to place here. Not wanting to get involved, we took ourselves to what has become my newest, favorite hang-out location, Off the Wagon, a bar found in Greenwich Village. We arrived before 9 pm, with tons of drink specials going on, and definitely took full advantage! :D. After a very enjoyable evening, we began to head home on the train, which was a whole new experience. I have to say, it is a whole different audience riding the train home at 1:30 in the morning, that is for sure.

Bedford Park first years, celebrating a weekend at Off the Wagon
That next week was a short week at school, but yet very busy. Though the student were only in class Monday through Thursday, the teachers worked on Friday for our Public Relations Concert. This concert invited in local middle school students to tour Loughlin, and see all the different activities we have for our students. Some of the activities included our small bands, Junior Senior band, African Dance, House Dance, Contemporary Modern Dance, and our Step Team. In Campus Ministry, we invited students to come down, learn about the different service projects and such we do for the school and surrounding community, and then play an ice breaker with them. Very exhausting, yet very fun to see all the prospective Loughlin-ites. It was then on Sunday that we had our official Open House, and it was back to work again for the afternoon. Again, it was very successful, and I do believe that we are going to have an exceptional incoming freshman class next year at Bishop Loughlin. 

Over the weekend, we also celebrated many different Halloween activities in the house; watching movies (Paranormal Activity 2, Sweeny Todd, scary episode of Boardwalk Empire, etc.), carving pumpkins, and baking cookies with Halloween sprinkles!! 

Bedford Park Pumpkins 2011; Autobots and Pumpkin Pi
After such a busy week before, I looked forward to the coming week, which proved to be a "short" week for me, only having to be in the office until Thursday. The normal events happened such as retreat and family day, but it was also an exciting week of activities for our students. The first of which was a personal fundraiser that I was doing. As you know, I was participating in the Lv Races Monster Dash 2011, and we were looking for donations and sponsorships. As a community, we came up with an idea to sell cookies to our students, and thus, the Bedford Park Bakery was born! 

Bedford Park Bakery, and just some of it's products
In total, I believe we baked almost 22 dozen cookies, and were able to raise almost $150 dollars to sponsor us in running this past weekend's event (that story is coming soon!!)

After such a successful beginning-of-the-week fundraising, it was onto Halloween Dress-up Day for the Seniors and Faculty/Staff!! This is a very exciting day at Loughlin, and this year, we made it even more exciting for the students, as the faculty/staff kept their costume a secret!! Getting all of the faculty together to dress-up was not going to happen, but we had a solid group of 15 participate. The theme this year; "Sweatin' to the Oldies with Richard Simmons"!! We had a lot of fun, and it was definitely a day that ALL of the students will remember from this year!! 


Now...onto the big exciting story you've been waiting for these past few months; LV Races Monster Dash 2011!! This past weekend, I flew out to Minneapolis with some of my community and participated in this big weekend!! There was lots of talk, preparation, and fundraising done, and it all was made worth it!! I am proud to announce that I completed the half-marathon in an official time of 2:42:14!! I was so proud of myself, and still cannot believe I did it!! 

Some of the community with our costumes; Bro. Ed as "Bugsy", Kenny, myself, and Stephanie as Bugsy's carrots!! 
The awesome sign Grams and Gramps made me as I ran by every time I saw them!! :). Definitely a motivation booster and something to help me continue running 
Amy, myself, Kimberly, and Charlie at mile 3.5-ish.
My running group around mile 5.5 (+ Charlie!!)
Mile 9.25 (this is around the time I needed some motivation to keep going,
 and I definitely received it!!)
CROSSING THE FINISH LINE!! (the time shown is total time elapsed over the course of the race
from the first gun shot)
I also want to send a shout out of thanks to all those who helped sponsor me on this race. I raised over $2,500!! Though the race is complete, there is still time to also donate!

It continues to be busy out here in NYC, but it is getting close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I am  so freakin' excited, it isn't even funny. For sure there will be posts about that to come!! 

Until next time...

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever!