August 25, 2011

"Operation Paint My Room" and Natural Disasters...

...has consumed my life for the past week!! :).

Let's start with the fun that was had last weekend, on a mini vacation; Narragansett, Rhode Island! Bro. Ed was on a retreat out in that area, and invited us to come along, and stay with the Brothers for the weekend, and while they were in retreat, we could go hang out at the beach...
...and we did! The beach was beautiful, and the weather was spectacular! Only complaint is cold water, but that's the ocean so there's not much I can do about that, right?!

While in Rhode Island with community, we called up the girls who were volunteering IN RI, and met up with them, sharing stories of the first few weeks of service. Needless to say, it was an enjoyable weekend, and much needed relaxation from all the hard-work I've been doing at school (sarcasm... :/ )

It was then back to the community, where I presented to Bro. Ed the idea of painting my room. When I first suggested this, it sounded like a brilliant plan, and was all excited to no longer be staying in the back, attic room, with all white walls. I looked at the inventory in the basement, of what we had, and compiled a group of paint cans of what I thought would work. The final color choices (as described through my eyes) are: salmon-y orange-ish, and battleship grey-ish blue.
Salmon-y Orange-ish, and final posters hung on the wall...
Battleship Grey-ish Blue, and more wall hanging goodness...

Aside from painting my room, my week up until tonight, was somewhat dull unless we talk about natural disasters hitting the East Coast!
  1. Earthquake: while Kenny and I played stay-at-home volunteers (kind of like stay-at-home mom's) and baked cookies all afternoon, an earthquake shook parts of NYC and beyond. I personally, did not feel any of the shakes or after shocks, but saw it explore all over facebook, and became curious. The best part of this whole earthquake drama was reading the papers the following day, and seeing all the panic on people's face! The best story: an 18 year old bride rushed out of City Hall on the Lower East Side, waiting to get married, because her soon-to-be husband wasn't answering her calls, and the phone was "dead". It came to be discussed later, that the bride knew her fiance´ was on the local subway train headed to City Hall, but its all she could think to do when she felt the shaking. Society is falling apart right in front of my eyes out here...
  2. Hurricane Irene: big talk has been flying about the upcoming Hurricane Irene, set to hit the East Coast/Tri-State Area within the next day or two...people are going nuts out here! Evacuations have been planned, and stores are being bought out of all the products people are told to get. Yes, I am glad people are stocking up and playing it safe, but if you listen to the news, we are at a now Category 1, which results in heavy rains (8-10") and mighty winds (60-80 mph). If you ask me, that sounds like a great activity for a Saturday afternoon; document the storm as it passes by (be sure to stay tuned to find out my discoveries...). All in all, I will be safe in the storm in our awesome house, on top of a hill, documenting every moment! :)
Turning the tables completely, I want to send a reminder about the LV Races 2011, which will be taking place Oct. 29, 2011 in the Twin Cities! :). As a dedicated rookie runner, and the support of my housemate Kenny, at this present time, I will be running the half-marathon (yes, fat kid running is enough entertainment to last a lifetime...). I appreciate all forms of prayer and support as I continue on the path to success. Currently, there are 62 days until the race, and Kenny and I are feeling good about completing training properly, as well as beasting the half-marathon! If looking for the site to sponsor me, follow here! As an incentive to donate, with every donation I receive, I will be sure to send you a personalized, autographed photo of myself at the completion of the race, IN FULL COSTUME, proving that I completed the race, and loved all the support you provided for me! :)

To turn the tables one last time, today began the beginning of a long journey towards breaking one of my fears: bicycles! After learning I didn't know how to bike because of fear I had, Kenny made it his responsibility to teach me how to ride, seeing as he just finished being awesome and biking a quarter of the country! After the many attempts on the sidewalk outside our house, there was one successful, full rotation of the pedals before I freaked out, squeezed the brakes, and threw my feet down. It is a nice thought knowing I enjoy people watching, but really it is now the neighborhood who is watching me make a fool of myself. I am determined to master this skill before Kenny's second year of service ends, no matter how foolish I look! 

This is the first battle wound from riding the bike: the pedal came around and knicked the back of leg/ankle area. However, after evaluating the injury, it kind of looks like a smily face, providing positive encouragement to continue riding! :)
ONE LAST THING (I promise...): I have been receiving questions about my address, and where people might be able to send awesome letters and such (for every letter I receive, I will send a response!)

Christopher Hueg
Lasallian Community
2850 Marion Ave
Bronx, NY 10458

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever.

August 19, 2011

Everyone needs a little R & R!!

This last week provided for a bit of relaxation and less running around than what has been happening the past 2 weeks. I did, however, still get out and tour around parts of the city I hadn't seen yet! :).

Sunday, after the LV Riders arrived, a delicious meal was shared, and we decided to watch a movie as an extended community. The choice: 500 Days of Summer. For those that have seen it, you can testify to how awesome the movie is. For those that haven't, I suggest renting it, and enjoying.

I have 2 favorite parts to that movie:

  1. "Day 34: Darling, I don't know how to tell you this, but there is a Chinese family watching us from our bathroom." (if you have seen the movie, you understand. if not, i don't want to spoil the awesomeness of the quote, so i'll let you discover for yourself!!)
  2. Who wouldn't enjoy being this happy and in love?! (click me)
On Monday, seeing that we had first timer's from the ride in NYC, Kenny and I decided to go out into the city with them, and show them some awesome locations! We first let them experience the Subway system, and then headed towards Central Park. I was able to experience the actual park part this time of Central Park, unlike last time. Ha. While walking around, we saw some famous parts of the park that are easily recognizable when walking through them. For example, the line of oak trees that create a canopy has been used in several films, and actually while walking through, they were filming a segment for a film that was in French. To say I was "on-set" makes me think my theatre degree is being used for something. ;). Also, the giant fountain in Central Park used for the final shot in Enchanted's "That's How You Know" as well as Home Alone 2, and Step-Mom. After venturing through Central Park, it began to rain, and we headed towards F.A.O. Schwarz Toy Store. To be a kid, running through there is a dream come true. Plus, the big attraction: giant keyboard used in the movie "Big"!!

Monday night, we decided to stick with watching a movie as extended community, but settled upon a scary movie. The ghost stories from Philadelphia came back up, and thus landing a choice of scary movie. Many of you who know me understand that I do not like scary movies at all!! My roommates during senior year wanted to watch a scary movie with me, but it never happened. Needless to say, I suffered through it, and surprisingly found myself screaming only in the last scene of the movie. Oh yes, the movie we chose was Paranormal Activity. That night, it was funny to walk upstairs and see all of the lights on in the rooms where people were sleeping, because of fear of turning out the lights. I, however, did not join their club, and was able to fall asleep without the lights on! :). 

Tuesday was extremely relaxing, sleeping in and bumming around the house. It was also my night to cook dinner, and man was it delicious. How can you go wrong with steak on the grill, grilled corn and asparagus, and cheesy, garlic mashed potatoes! Mmmmmm. The meal ended with delicious carrot cake cupcakes and cream cheese frosting, courtesy of Kelly Towns, one of the National Riders for LV's Ride! 

Wednesday provided for another Broadway show! Waking up early morning, Glenna and Kelly (National Riders) wanted to rush a show. We headed out of the house, and went for the Gershwin Theatre where Wicked would be playing an afternoon matinee. We entered our names into the lottery for front row seats, but unfortunately came out empty handed. Looking at the schedule, we found Phantom of the Opera was also showing an afternoon matinee that day, and headed towards that theatre. It was this moment I was able to see how comfortable I am in the city, being able to navigate the streets, and get to our next theatre without wasting too much time! We purchased our tickets, enjoyed a quick lunch at John's Pizzeria across the street before the show, and then the curtain rose. WHAT A SHOW! I have enjoyed listening to the music for several years, and now being able to see it live, painted so much more of a picture for me! I still look in awe at all of the technical elements of the show, and how ahead of it's time it was when it first opened! I catch myself looking around the theatre while watching sometimes more for tech elements than the actual actors. I guess that is another thing I can credit towards my awesome theatre education! 

Being the riders last night in our community, we decided for a little laughter that evening. What better way to come together and laugh, then WII SPORTS!! Everyone got involved playing bowling, golf, and tennis. That evening, I learned how competitive the community gets over the games, especially Brother Bill! I am definitely going to have to take lessons from him in tennis and golf. I don't think he has lost a game since he started. (Dad, he will give you a run for your money when you come to visit...)

Finally, Thursday, Kenny and Stephanie were heading into their school, LaSalle Academy, located in the village of Manhattan, and invited me along to join. After stopping in to show Stephanie the school, we walked around the neighborhood, and got to see things a normal tourist wouldn't venture to find. Kenny introduced us to his favorite Thai restaurant, not far from the school offering amazing lunch specials! We also then walked back towards the Subway, first stopping in his favorite independent bookstore, and spent some time exploring! 

Here you can see just part of my favorite area of the bookstore: a section dedicated just to scripts! :). The shelves for this portion extended quite a ways, and I can't wait to go back and explore more of the store! 

We ended the night with a community viewing of Memphis: A New Musical on our Netflix account! (Yes, this is the musical I saw my first weekend here, but we wanted to enjoy it again, so we watched it!). The whole community life is totally coming together, and I am really enjoying my time here, looking forward to all the new things that I am going learn over the next year!

For the weekend, we are heading to Narragansett, RI to spend some time at beach resort as a community, and enjoy a relaxing weekend with the Rhode Island volunteers as well! 

Until next time...

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever.  

August 14, 2011

LV's Ride

This weekend, I had the pleasure of sharing in the excitement of the completion of LV's Ride Across America: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty! On June 16, 2011, a group of 14 dedicated cyclists met on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and began their adventure, planning to bike 3400-ish miles to the Atlantic Ocean in support of the Lasallian Volunteers, and the ministries served. Along the way, the group also volunteered at local agencies that were helping to also break the cycle of poverty. On average, the bikers traveled 75-80 miles a day, with their longest day being from Minneapolis to Winona, MN! A day totaling 127 miles, as well as one of the hottest days they would experience, was completed as I began my LV journey at Orientation. 

When Orientation was completed, my roommate, and housemate Kenny (Kennwii) here in New York participated on the last third of the trip, biking 981 miles. Bro. Ed Phalen, community director here at the house, also participated on 9/10 of the bike ride as well, missing the days when he was at Orientation with us. To be able to share in the excitement with fellow community members, as well as others who share the same passion for St. John Baptist de LaSalle was a great feeling yesterday in Lincroft, NJ! The bikers completed their ride at the Atlantic Ocean around 4:45 pm, and then made their way towards us at the "second" finish line to join in celebration and excitement!! 

For more information about the "LV's Ride" visit

Along with the LV's Ride, which works towards raising money for the Lasallian Volunteers program, we the volunteers also do our part every year to help raise money! The opportunity to donate is a yearly project, but the special way we raise funds is through a race every year, located in one of the cities where we have volunteers serving. This year's race is called the "Monster Dash" and will be in MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA!! I could not be more excited to be a participant in the race in my home state, allowing for time to see family, and have their support!! There are 2 options for the race: half marathon or 5K. I have yet to decide which of these I am going to participate in, but I am going to make my final decision on August 30, before the price begins to go up on registration for both of these events! 

With that excitement, now comes would mean the world to me for a sponsorship from you! My personal goal for the race is $1,000, adding to the total goal of $52,000 for all of Lasallian Volunteers (there are currently 52 volunteers across the United States this academic year). Whether a donation comes in $5, $20, or $100, any bit helps towards the final goal!! There are two options for donating...
  1. Visit the below website. Follow the instructions after clicking on the link "Sponsor Me"below my fundraising thermometer. 

     2.   Send a check directly to the main office for Lasallian Volunteers at:

Hecker Center, Suite 300
3025 Fourth Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017 

**please make all checks payable to 
Christian Brothers Conference c/o Lasallian Volunteers,
along with LV Races 2011 and my name (Christopher Hueg) 
in the memo line**

Thank you so much in advance for your generous support towards the Lasallian Volunteers program, and the several ministries that we serve! 

Another week of tourist-y activities, while hanging out with the last remaining LV Riders staying here in our community! I will be sure to keep you posted on training for the races, as well as any possible fun stories that I experience... 

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever. 

August 12, 2011

Attempts at blending in & NOT looking like a tourist... very difficult when you are constantly walking around holding a camera. :)

Being my first full week in New York, I wanted to get to know the train system a little better, and decided to explore different parts of the Downtown area. Public transportation, for me, has never really been a difficult idea to get the hang of. When moving to college, and going into Chicago, hearing different colors lines, versus bus numbers seemed confusing, but I eventually got the hang of it! Now that I am in New York, all of these lessons learned have provided a much easier and smoother transition. I live my life based off the alphabet, colors, and simple numbers! Thank goodness for an awesome kindergarten education. :).

Now, lets take some time for the weekly review:

Lazy Day!! After a busy week of service in Philly, and a busy first weekend in the city, I decided that I wanted to take a day that would involve just about nothing. Being that I am now in community, I woke for Morning Prayer, and then decided to go back and take a short nap :/. Also being in community provides cooking responsibilities, so my roommate Stephanie and I walked up to the local grocery store, and got to experience that while buying food for our respective days of cooking. To say the grocery store was an experience is an understatement; the aisles could barely fit 2 people standing back-to-back, let alone trying to push a cart down it to find what you needed. We eventually played tag-team, and one person would go down the aisle and get whatever we needed, while the other one would stay with the cart! It worked out rather well...

What I learned from the grocery store/food experience: Florida Avocados taste nothing like Haas Avocados, or any other type. I decided for my meal, I was going to start simple, and make tacos with chips, salsa, and guacamole. Needless to say, the guacamole was extremely sweet, and there was no helping it. 

Central Park...well, part of it. I believe I found the non-park part of Central Park, but still was able to walk around, and see some of the beautiful sites! I can't wait to go back and explore more of the park! 

What I learned about walking around all day, and forgetting to check the weather: BRING AN UMBRELLA WITH YOU EVERYWHERE! The first step towards being able to bring an umbrella with though, is to purchase and own one. That is the one item I have been holding out on, and now have given in to purchase ASAP! Seeing as my time in the morning is spent on the Subway, and afternoon home, the weather can change during my hour and 15 minute ride to work, so having one with me is always handy. I've also got to find one that will last me through at least the first year, so I don't create a scene from Mary Poppins in the Bronx or Brooklyn area. Ha. 

Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Center & NBC Studios!! What an awesome place. We began our day walking around the area these buildings were located, and then going inside and checking them out as well. I hope to get back and see some fun shows at Radio City. Currently, Cirque de Solei is performing a show there, but once Christmas time arrives, I can only imagine the fun shows! Rockefeller is almost the same. I was slightly disappointed not to see a large Christmas Tree or Skating Rink, but then reminded myself it was the beginning of August, and still 90 degrees outside (I promise, I graduated college, and have some common sense).

Seeing the NBC Studios area was also pretty cool! I now know where to go when I want to get on the "Today" show...before school starts I am determined to make my way down there, and see it!! Across the street is the Observation Deck for Rockefeller Center, as well as a large store, filled with all NBC show merchandise. My favorite section included the tv show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (yes, the dots are necessary) with all of the different t-shirts and quotes, as well as coffee mugs, notebooks, etc. 

As a treat to ourselves, Stephanie and I walked back down to where we were last weekend (Shubert Theatre). Across the street from where we saw our awesome show, there was a sign outside for the Harry Potter Traveling Exhibit! New York City was its last stop on the tour, and we figured why not check it out! It was well worth the price of admission! :). We began our tour of the exhibit with a demonstration of the Sorting Hat, moving on to a room that highlighted Harry and his friend's life over the past "7 years". It was then time to free-walk throughout the exhibit and see all the different displays. They included the costumes seen in the movies, as well as props, set pieces, and decorations. It is crazy to think I grew up with the characters, yet, their clothing is so small! It must be nice to always purchase clothes from the children's section. Ha. After exiting the exhibit, we couldn't say no to what we saw outside the gift shop...

...that's right, CAKE BOSS!! Though it is not the actual store, it is one of only 5 or 6 smaller cafe's that he distributes to! I ordered myself a Red Velvet Cake with an awesome cream cheese frosting, as well as one of his famous Cannolis! Man what a treat that was! :). After enjoying such awesome desserts, I put it on my list to now go, and visit the actual store where he does all his delicious treats in New Jersey!


Today was a day filled with tourist-y activities, but also it was a day, that was much calmer than the rest. I began my day finally going into Brooklyn, and seeing for myself my working area for the coming school year! We crossed the Brooklyn Bridge in Manhatten, and got just part of our daily exercise for the day! (The new picture background for my blog is of the Brooklyn Bridge that I took myself...maybe I should become a photographer. Ha) It was then on to Pier 17, filled with little boutiques and shops, and after enjoying lunch, we made our way towards Ground Zero. 

A local artist created the New York Skyline out of melted rubble and steel after the attacks on the World Trade Centers 

Before making it to the site of Ground Zero, we stopped at St. Paul's Chapel, which is across the street from the World Trade Centers. The moment we stepped inside the chapel, there was a somber silence that filled the building, that I had never felt before. When the towers fell, St. Paul's was the location for volunteer firefighters, police officers, and rescue teams to come and recover for just a few hours, before going back into the rubble to find people. To see the signs posted around the Chapel, and pictures of people who are still missing to this day was very emotional. I didn't want to feel like I was rushing through, but to be standing in there too long started to get to me, and I felt no other emotion but to cry. It was then onto the site of where they are building the Memorial Park, as well as the new World Trade Center. Still an eeriness to how quiet it was, but yet, respectful. It was then onto an adventure to find Battery Park. I had heard about Battery Park, and the sphere that was placed in the park, with the eternal flame, to represent the World Trade Centers, and never forgetting. We found this park, and to see the sphere was magnificent.

Another Lazy Day!! :). After such a busy and draining week, Stephanie and I decided to take another lazy day, and just sit around the house preparing for the busy year we have ahead of us! Tonight, we went out to Greenwich Village for dinner at John's Pizzeria, a famous, local pizza joint, and then headed home to prepare for yet another busy weekend!!

Stay tuned to find out what I am going to enjoy this weekend, as well as many more adventures throughout New York City!

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever. 

August 8, 2011

First Weekend in the Big Apple

I have officially survived my first weekend living in "da Bronx"!

As I mentioned earlier, I was more than excited to get all moved into the house on Friday! Though the week in Philadelphia, it was nice to finally move into a place I could call home, and get settled. The house where I am staying is absolutely beautiful! I mean, really, who wouldn't love a 1900's Victorian home in the middle of the Bronx, NY?! :)

Before we continue, I would like to introduce a new character into the story of "Christopher goes to New York." His name is Charlie J.A.C.K. Hueg. Before leaving for the volunteer program, 4 of my really good friends (Jackie, Amy, Carly, and Kristen) gave Sean and I a stuffed bear! Two reasons for the bear; 1. have something to remember them by, and the awesome friendship they provided 2. to have a fun bear to bring around to all the tourist sites and take pictures with (Flat Stanley...)

**characters introduced thus far = Bernard the Bamboo and Charlie J.A.C.K. the Teddy Bear**

As the weekend comes to a close, I would consider myself 95% moved into my room. I am still moving slight stuff around getting used to where stuff is, etc. and feeling out the room (feng shui...). I do believe that I have come up with a pretty awesome layout to my room, and am that much closer to getting everything hung up and such.
Dresser and Sitting Area
Bookshelf of Intelligence
Awesomely, comfortable bed (sidenote, I did sew the blanket on my bed by myself!)
My desk (this area needs a little bit of loving...)
The closet, with as much Twins gear present as possible!
On Saturday, the roommates and I decided we wanted to go into the city and explore! Getting lost in the city is the best way to learn your way around, from what we've heard, and we did just that. I would not consider ourselves lost at any point though during the day...our adventures brought us to Times Square for a day of being tourists taking pictures. As we approached the famous Red Steps in Times Square, we spotted a sign for TKTS! For those asking what exactly that might be, let me explain: every day, all of the Broadway shows submit their open, available tickets to this special vendor to sell at a discounted price. Going out on a whim to try and get tickets, the roommates and I stood in line. 20 minutes or so passed by, and before we knew it, we were on our way to seeing a Broadway show that night. :D. Naturally being a theatre kid, I was ecstatic, and my roommates shortly after learned why theatre can be so much fun! 

The show we were going to that night was Memphis! I had been listening to the music for this particular show for quite some time, and really had gotten to love it. I had the opportunity to see a filmed version of the Broadway musical in the late spring, and knew then that I had to see it while I was in New York, but never did I imagine seeing it my first weekend! Not only was the show fantastic, to see it in the Shubert Theatre, one of the more famous theatres down Broadway made it that much more exciting. The show began, the show went on, and then curtain call! WOW!! What an experience! The realization of being in New York was not made clear until Intermission when I looked around, and truly felt the presence of Broadway and New York lifestyles. I look forward to hopefully seeing at least 1 more show while here during my year of service. 

After the show was completed, I clued my roommates in on visiting the "Stage Door" to meet some of the cast! As you can see here, I was able to get 2 of the leads who played Delray (left) and Gator (right) to take a picture with Charlie. They thought the bear was the coolest thing they have taken a picture with in their theatre careers (point for Jackie, Amy, Carly, and Kristen)!! We then made our way back towards the house, and got a good nights sleep for the adventures we would then be having on Sunday.

Sunday morning arrived, and being away from stores and necessities for almost 3 weeks, we all decided to take a trip to Target! Thanks to the helpful assistance of one of the LV's from the Bronx, she was able to guide us in the right direction towards the store. Essentials, and some non-essentials, purchased, we trekked back home, and decided on the afternoon adventures: Coney Island!

Getting on the train, we didn't realize how long it would take to get there, but after spending nearly 2 hours on the train, we were able to walk around and explore some more of the sights of the NYC boroughs, etc. 

First stop: "Nathan's World Famous Hot Dogs". Being on Coney Island, and following the theme of trying all the tourist/location-known foods, I got a Coney Dog aka Chili Cheese Dog with chopped onions!! There was something about this particular experience though that made the hot dog much more delicious. Probably the fact it was really a frankfurter! (Sidenote, if you look on the far left of the picture, you can see the big blue clock countdown for the annual "4th of July Hot Dog Eating Contest" sponsored by Nathan's!)

After enjoying out hot dogs, we then ventured onto the boardwalk, and looked out over the water for a bit before heading back home! It is truly starting to set in all the walking New Yorkers do, but its ok; I am totally loving the lifestyle and the atmosphere of the big city! I can't wait for work to start now, and I get to look all professional with everyone else in the morning! :).

LASTLY, another update on Bernard: today he was able to move into his new home! He truly enjoyed the rent-a-home provided by corporate sponsors (McDonalds), but to be able to be stable again in his new home, couldn't excite him any more! He sends all his love and thanks during this time of transition.

Until the next adventures, feel free to leave comments! Love to all my family and friends! 

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever.   

August 6, 2011

Post-week Orientation Festivities

Since the last blog, and all the experiences of the airport, there have been many more while I was serving in Philadelphia, PA. As mentioned in the previous blog, I, along with 4 other LV's, were volunteering at St. James the Less Parish on the north side of Philly. Throughout the week we helped organize the materials in the kitchen and art room, tend to the yard work and vegetable gardens out behind the school, and paint some bathrooms. Now all this sounds fine and dandy, but being who I am with my previous luck, there was some excitement in store for myself and the others.

To begin, the place where we were staying was an old rectory in a Catholic parish, that was later turned into an Episcopal parish. The group stayed in the rectory, and without going into too much detail, the rectory was haunted (legit). **if you want the stories of proof, leave a comment, and I will be sure to send you a private message detailing all that we experienced, etc.**

Secondly, we became tourists of the city, and wanted to accomplish all that we could with the short time we had! On the list of places to go/see included: finding the best cheesesteak around (different opinions based on who you talk to), seeing the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, climb the stairs from "Rocky", and finding a local, delicious drink known as Water Ice, from the best spot around, Rita's. I am happy to say that we accomplished all of these tasks! :D.

#1: Finding the best cheesesteak around; as I mentioned above, it depends on who you talk to about the best cheesesteaks in Philly, but from numerous people that we had talked to throughout the week, we were guided towards "Pat's King of Steaks". Not only did this location fit into our "Rocky" theme for the day, but also, I must say, did find this cheesesteak to be rather delicious. The process of ordering became very nerve-wracking, but all was accomplished, and a great treat was enjoyed! (the proper way to order the sandwich seen here is "steak wiz-wit";  whiz = with cheez whiz, wit = with onions)

 Step #2.1: See the Liberty Bell; finding the Liberty Bell was not hard to do once in Philadelphia. After walking down what is known as "South Street", you come to a section of the city that has old colonial houses, that automatically make you feel like you have travelled back to the time of the Revolutionary War, etc. While going around seeking the bell, we also passed by the house where Benjamin Franklin lived, Betsy Ross' house, as well as the location of where she made the original 13-starred flag, and other exciting places from our nation's history. Once to the Bell, we got inside and walked through the museum area, and then was in it's presence! Here pictured are my new roommates Jennifer (left) and Stephanie (right).

Step #2.2: See Independence Hall; Our time began to run thin as we were being such knowledgeable tourists, that we were not able to take the full tour of Independence Hall, and see where such important documents (i.e. Declaration of Independence) were signed. From the picture, you can also tell that the building is under renovation and preservation. The screen at the top of the building displays the picture though of what it will look like once completed. In conversation with my mom, it is crazy to think how much more I appreciate all of these historical locations now, seeing as I have the choice towards which I want to see, versus "forced" to go and see places that I have no interest in. Historic Philadelphia is definitely a place I would like to come back to! :).

Step #3: Climb the stairs from "Rocky"; it was on our last night in Philly that the group conquered the 72 stair climb to the top of Philadelphia's Art museum, and felt for just a few seconds like we were Sylvester Stalone. The hype of the stairs made it seem like it was going to be much more of climb, than that of what was actually experienced. After making it to the top of the stairs, and making the traditional pose, standing where he stood, we climbed back down to the bottom, and found the statue right next to the stairs, and had time for more photo-op's. My "serious face" was non-existant when I took the picture, but in reality, when do I ever have a serious, winning face?! Ha.
 Step #4: Finding a local, delicious drink known as Water Ice, from the best spot around, Rita's; we obviously found the Water Ice shop, and seriously enjoyed every bite that we had. It is hard to describe the consistency of Water Ice. I would combine it as a mixture between a slushie and a sno-cone. The Water Ice is made daily, and there were probably at least 15 different flavors to choose from that day. Staying away from the traditional flavors, such as peach, chocolate, or cherry, I decided to be  brave, and tried the Swedish Fish flavor...DELICIOUS! To my surprise,  and excitement, there were bits of Swedish Fish mixed in with the delicious treat, and made for an even better experience! I have heard rumors you can find Rita's in the New York City area, and I am definitely going to have scope them out before they close on Labor Day!

All in all, the week in Philadelphia was a great time, but I am so excited to say that I am officially moved into my house in the Bedford Park neighborhood in 'da Bronx, New York'. To no longer be living out of a suitcase, worrying if my clothes are wrinkled or not is such a relief! I was so happy to see some clothes tonight when unpacking that I feel I haven't seen in years! Ha.

I do want to provide an update on Bernard: he made it safely to the neighborhood! I do want to include though that there was a second attempt at life this week while in Philly. On Wednesday, Fr. Sean, the local pastor for the Episcopal church came to make us dinner, and brought his dogs along. Bernard was residing up in the room where we were staying, and the dogs came up to greet us. When they were getting ready to leave, the dogs (2 yellow labs) thought they were poodles and tried to squeeze through the door frame, knocking Bernard on the floor, and causing me to create yet another dramatic scene to save his life. All is well, and he cannot wait to move into permanent residency, versus the temporary, rent-a-home, he is in now.

ALSO, I would like to add, that while on the way home from sight-seeing Philadelphia, we were graced with the presence of Bernard's girlfriend, whom I decided was named Bernadette. As you can see from the picture, the 2 owners (myself and the random woman) are proud owners of our bamboo, and we couldn't be more happy for them. :)

I would just like to end by saying thanks to everyone who has been following this blog! It means a lot that you continually check back here for updates on this new adventure! I like seeing and hearing about the feedback so keep it coming!

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever.

August 1, 2011

Airport Adventures

Who would have EVER thought the airport could be so exciting...

Waking up early this morning, getting ready for the airport, provided no sense of what was going to happen as I began my travels to Philadelphia, where I will be staying for a week volunteering at a new school opening this September. Below you will find the progression of the day/time spent getting to the airport, time being there, the flight itself, moving onto the arrival into Philadelphia...

  • 7:46 a.m. -- realization that I almost forgot Bernard the bamboo in my room where I have been staying for the past week; ran back upstairs to get him, so he wouldn't feel like I abandoned him
  • 8:27 a.m. -- check into Southwest, and get the verdict on my suitcases: 87 lbs. for the large black tube duffle bag, and 68 lbs. for my large suitcase (total of $100 for overage of weight, etc.)
  • 8:39 a.m. -- time to begin the long line through TSA at Chicago Midway; spent most of the time introducing Bernard to the people around us through very in-depth conversations about him (for those that were with me, may have felt a little embarrassed...)
  • 9:17 a.m. -- Bernard attempts to take his own life by falling off the table at TSA (by Bernard attempting, I mean to say an old woman pushing him off); from the saving grace of one of my other LV's, I was able to save him and get him into a plastic bag until finding a rent-a-home for him to be in for the next week
  • 10:11 a.m. -- Bernard receives his rent-a-home, after enjoying a hearty McDonald's breakfast and orange juice 
  • 10:27 a.m. -- flight takes off, and everything seems to be smooth flying from here...
  • **time change to the East Coast** 12:47 p.m. -- little girl sitting next to me on the plane cant hold herself anymore, and pees her pants; realized what was happening the woman on the aisle asked if she needed to use the bathroom, and the little girl responded, "yes please, i need to finish..." (thanks for being so honest young lady)
  • 1:23 p.m. -- land in Philly, PA, but sat on the runway for almost a half hour. :/
  • 1:49 p.m. -- finally get off the plane and meet up with Bro. Ed at baggage...
As for now, that is all that has happened today. I look forward to the week here in Philadelphia helping to set-up the school and get it ready for the coming school year. On the list for the week is also a trip into the downtown area, to get me one of those famous Philly Cheese Steaks! :D. 

Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever.