Tonight marked the completion of our LV Orientation. It was a great past week and a half getting to know my new family for the coming service year. To be able to share a love of service with many different people my age, from around the country, inspires me that our children our bound for greatness! :).
I have spent a lot of time reflecting and thinking about what I am hoping to get out of this coming year. Most importantly, I am hoping to get a better understanding of what my particular job that I want to pursue may be like. To be working in a high school, in the Campus Ministry department, focusing on retreats, mass, and service truly excites me! Secondly, I am hoping to gain a bigger appreciation for the Lasallian Brothers, and there mission all around the world. Living in community is going to be great, and getting to share it with three (possibly four) brothers is going to be AWESOME! Lastly, I am hoping for a deeper relationship with God, and my faith. Being in community, having prayer twice a day, as well as, taking time for myself to reflect I believe will really help make the transition to the East Coast much easier, and less nerve-wracking.
Also, for all of you who know the relationship between myself and my best friend, Sean, we parted ways this afternoon, quite peacefully, but soon came to finding ourselves texting each other, and realizing how much we missed each other. These next few weeks are going to take some adjustment, BUT we are strong MEN, and do not show emotion and all that jazz! ;).
Also (again), I would like to give a personal shout-out to Tony Lyen. As I was saying my goodbyes tonight over to all my Summer Housing friends, he requested a shout-out on the blog, and here it is! :D. You are going to have a great junior year, and I know that you are going to do great things with all that you are involved with. Please keep in touch. It was a pleasure sharing a wall with you this summer!
Please continue to keep checking back to this blog as the year goes on. I will be sure to keep you all updated with awesome pictures and my travels around the East Coast.
This is the first picture I will post for all to see: my possessions ready to make there way to the East Coast. So much for a life of simplicity, BUT, from what I did have, this is not a lot at all. Ha.
Live Jesus In Our Hearts. Forever.